News from the Votemaster
Obama To Delay Action on Immigration
At the request of some Democrats running in red states, President Obama has decided to delay any unilateral action on immigration until after the midterm elections. Such action would have been a mixed bag. It could have excited Latinos and gotten them to the polls but it could also have excited the Republican base and gotten them to the polls as well. Also, the effect differs by state. In a state like Alaska, where there are few Latinos, the effect could work against the reelection of Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) who is in a tight race. On the other hand, in North Carolina, with more Latinos, it could possible have helped Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC). In any event, Obama chose the safer course and will probably act after the elections. The Republicans will be furious at him no matter what he does. They will say that it is up to Congress, not the President, to make immigration laws and there may be an attempt to impeach him. Since the Republicans are likely to have a majority in the House, they could impeach him, but even if they take the Senate, they won't have anywhere near the 2/3 majority needed to convict him.
Wendy Davis Talks about Her Abortion
Female Democratic candidates for public office often talk about women's health in general terms without getting into the details of whether they mean mammograms or obstretrical care or something else, but Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Texas, Wendy Davis, has now come out and openly discussed the abortion she had 17 years ago, when she was 34. Her fetus had been diagnosed with a major brain abnormality and would be permanently blind and deaf and might not even survive. With great pain, she decided to have an abortion. An admission like this makes the abortion question much more personal for most people. Often people think of abortions as being something for teenagers who haven't gotten the message about safe sex, rather than a married Harvard Law School graduate in her 30s whose child would be permanently and severely handicapped for life if carried to term.
While this disclosure is unlikely to win Davis the Texas governorship, it may change the national discussion about abortion. Abortion opponents are now going to have to defend having a woman give birth to a deaf, blind, and severely handicapped child who will need constant and very expensive care indefinitely and will have no quality of life. One question that abortion opponents will no doubt be asked is: "Are you willing to help pay for the child's care, either through higher taxes or higher health-insurance premiums?"
Politico Publishes List of the Top 50 Political Thinkers
The Politico 50 is a list of the top political thinkers. Some are actual politicians, some are not. Some are household names, some are not. Many of the choices are arguable. In some cases two or three people are are listed together. Here is the top 20. The Politico Website gives the story why each one was chosen.
- Rand Paul
- Janet Yellen
- Thomas Pikkety
- Ted Cruz
- Chad Griffin & Roberta Kaplan
- Pope Francis
- Edward Snowden & Glenn Greenwald
- David Coleman & E.D. Hirsch
- Gabrielle Giffords & Wayne LaPierre
- Beau Willimon
- Samuel Alito & Sonia Sotomayor
- Elizabeth Warren
- Brian Chesky, Travis Kalanick, & Elon Musk
- Jonathan Gruber
- Yuval Levin
- Richard Fink
- Nick Hanauer, Ed Murray, & David Rolf
- John Podesta
- Tom Steyer
- Jed Rakoff
Some of the choices are unconventional, but interesting. For example, Nick Hanauer is a "Zillionaire" (his term) who is scared to death that unless something is done about inequality fast, there will be an American Revolution II and it will look more like the French Revolution than American Revolution I, so he is working hard to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour to protect capitalism and capitalists.
Today's Senate Polls
State | Democrat | D % | Republican | R % | I | I % | Start | End | Pollster |
Illinois | Dick Durbin* | 49% | Jim Oberweis | 39% | Sep 04 | Sep 04 | We Ask America | ||
Maine | Shenna Bellows | 31% | Susan Collins* | 59% | Sep 03 | Sep 04 | Rasmussen |
* Denotes incumbent
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---The Votemaster
Sep06 McDonnell Conviction Could Have Far-Reaching Consequences
Sep06 Christie Loses Bet in Atlantic City
Sep06 Voting Restrictions Are in Place in Eight States
Sep05 Taylor's Withdrawal from Kansas Senate Race Getting More Complicated
Sep05 Political Stupidity is Bipartisan
Sep05 Court Orders Early Voting To Be Reinstated in Ohio
Sep05 Early Voting Is Starting Today
Sep05 Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis Each Attack the Other's Party
Sep05 The Top Eight Senate Campaign Gaffes
Sep04 Chad Taylor Drops Out of Kansas Senate Race
Sep04 Martin O'Malley Says He Will Run for President in 2016
Sep04 Campaigns Used to Begin after Labor Day
Sep03 Roll Call's List of Vulnerable Senators
Sep03 Democrats and Dynasties
Sep03 Some Republicans Calling for Over-the-Counter Birth Control
Sep03 Secret News Is Released Friday Evening
Sep03 Kentuckians Do Not Want to Change the Law for Rand Paul
Sep02 Obama Spends Labor Day Talking to Labor Unions
Sep02 Hagan Popular with Banks
Sep02 Buying Access to Senators and Governors is Surprisingly Inexpensive
Sep02 Public Doesn't Believe the Economy is Improving
Sep02 Republicans Expect Small Gain in the House
Sep02 Another Take on Romney 2016
Sep02 Lankford Crushing Johnson in Oklahoma Special Election
Sep01 Study Says that Citizens United Decision Helped Republicans
Sep01 Candidates Make Their Pitch to the Koch Brothers
Sep01 Steyer May Target Some Democrats in California
Sep01 Campaigns Spend a Billion Dollars before the Campaigns Even Start
Aug31 Democrats Try to Energize Black Voters
Aug31 What Did Hillary Learn This Summer?
Aug31 Seventeen People May Have Voted Twice in 2012
Aug30 McConnell's Campaign Manager Resigns
Aug30 McDaniel's Challenge in Mississippi is Thrown Out by a Judge
Aug30 Obama Will Avoid States Where He is Unpopular
Aug30 Court Rules that Domestic Abuse Is Grounds for Asylum in the U.S.
Aug30 Another Rundown of the Senate Elections
Aug30 Rick Perry is Actively Running for President
Aug30 McConnell's Campaign Manager Resigns
Aug30 McDaniel's Challenge in Mississippi is Thrown Out by a Judge
Aug30 Obama Will Avoid States Where He is Unpopular
Aug30 Court Rules that Domestic Abuse Is Grounds for Asylum in the U.S.
Aug30 Another Rundown of the Senate Elections
Aug30 Rick Perry is Actively Running for President
Aug30 McConnell's Campaign Manager Resigns
Aug30 McDaniel's Challenge in Mississippi is Thrown Out by a Judge
Aug30 Obama Will Avoid States Where He is Unpopular
Aug30 Court Rules that Domestic Abuse Is Grounds for Asylum in the U.S.
Aug30 Another Rundown of the Senate Elections
Aug30 Rick Perry is Actively Running for President