News from the Votemaster
Many Undecided Voters May Not Vote
Despite a huge amount of media attention and many close races, some voters are still undecided and may ultimately not vote according to an article in the Washington Post. One of the conclusions is that for many people, politics does not rank high on their list of interests. Most are independents. They do not understand how their lives might change with a Democratic Senate vs. a Republican Senate.
For campaigns, it is easy to understand that some people might prefer the other candidate and there is a way to deal with that: find out what issues matter and explain why your position is better than the other guy's. But fighting apathy is harder. Some of the undecideds ultimately do vote, though, and they cause real headaches for pollsters because last-minute choices can be illogical and unpredictable.
Good Weather Equals Bad News for Republicans
Democrats don't like to go out in the rain, so bad weather on election day generally helps Republicans as marginally motivated voters, many of whom are Democrats, sometimes skip voting when the weather turns stormy. This year, for the most part, the weather is expected to be good in much of the country on Tuesday. This can lead to a higher-than-expected turnout, which helps the Democrats.
McConnell Campaign Sends Election Violation Notice Mailer to Voters
The campaign of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has sent out mailers to an unknown number of voters with "ELECTION VIOLATION NOTICE" in large letters on the envelope. It warns of possible fraud. The intention is undoubtedly to scare some voters into not voting. Inside, it simply says the McConnell's opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes has been feeding them fraudulent information and lies. Democrats called the mailing despicable and possibly illegal. There was no response from the McConnell campaign.
Reid Says Control of the Senate Depends on Iowa
Senate majority leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) said that if Joni Ernst (R) wins Iowa, the Republicans will probably take control of the Senate. Reid expects the Democrats to win in New Hampshire and North Carolina, but thinks Iowa is a tossup. Many other analysts agree with Reid: without Iowa, the Democrats are likely to lose the Senate. What Reid didn't say is that winning Iowa isn't enough. To retain control of the Senate, Democrats also need to win close races in Colorado, Alaska, Georgia, or a few other competitive states. Iowa alone isn't enough for the Democrats.
No Matter the Outcome, Neither Party Will Have a Mandate
This election is not about voting for candidates, it is about voting against candidates. No matter who wins, it will be impossible for the winner to claim a mandate to govern. So the current deadlock will simply continue. Part of the problem is the endless stream of negative ads telling the voters how monstrous the other party is. Given that this is all the voters have heard for months, it is hardly surprising they are disgusted with government and have little faith in it. The Republicans, in particular, have made their dislike of President Obama their only message. They have not proposed what they would do if they had the power, just what they would undo.
At the gubernatorial level, both parties are also running negative campaigns. In Maryland, it is about the tax increase the Democrats pushed through. In Wisconsin it is about the attempts to curb public service unions that the Republicans carried out. Almost nowhere is anyone running on a platform of "look what we achieved." Thus no matter who wins each race, almost no candidate or party is going to be able to say: "We did X and the voters approved it." This will make governing next year even harder than it is now.
Conservatives Freaking Out at a Possible Bush Run in 2016
At the Freedom Summit in New Hampshire, conservatives booed the name of former Florida governor Jeb Bush whenever it came up. They are scared to death of him running for President in 2016 because they intuitively know that he isn't their man and also that the donor class would shower large amounts of money on him. Ideologically, they have two bones to pick with him. First, he wants immigration overhaul, which they think of as "amnesty." Second, he supports the Common Core educational standards, which were devised by the National Governors' Association. Among other things, Common Core would mean that schools would not be free to teach Genesis on equal terms with evolution in science classes. In addition, many of them agree with Barbara Bush, who once said "We've had enough Bushes."
Erick Erickson, founder of the blog RedState, summed up the situation by saying the Republicans will not do well by emulating the Democrats: "Let's go forward by going backward." If Bush decides to run, he will be met with ferocious opposition from conservatives who see him as more McCain and Romney, whom they despised.
Today's Senate Polls
State | Democrat | D % | Republican | R % | I | I % | Start | End | Pollster |
Arkansas | Mark Pryor* | 41% | Tom Cotton | 49% | Oct 30 | Nov 01 | PPP | ||
Colorado | Mark Udall* | 42% | Cory Gardner | 43% | Oct 25 | Oct 31 | YouGov | ||
Georgia | Michelle Nunn | 42% | David Perdue | 44% | Oct 25 | Oct 31 | YouGov | ||
Iowa | Bruce Braley | 43% | Joni Ernst | 42% | Oct 25 | Oct 31 | YouGov | ||
Iowa | Bruce Braley | 44% | Joni Ernst | 51% | Oct 28 | Oct 31 | Selzer | ||
Kansas | Pat Roberts* | 38% | Greg Orman | 37% | Oct 25 | Oct 31 | YouGov | ||
Kentucky | Alison Lundergan-Grimes | 42% | Mitch McConnell* | 50% | Oct 30 | Nov 01 | PPP | ||
Louisiana | Mary Landrieu* | 47% | Bill Cassidy | 48% | Oct 30 | Nov 01 | PPP | ||
Massachusetts | Ed Markey* | 52% | Brian Herr | 38% | Oct 30 | Nov 01 | PPP | ||
Massachusetts | Ed Markey* | 53% | Brian Herr | 37% | Oct 20 | Oct 27 | YouGov | ||
North Carolina | Kay Hagan* | 44% | Thom Tillis | 41% | Oct 25 | Oct 31 | YouGov |
* Denotes incumbent
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---The Votemaster
Nov01 The Trend is Towards Single-Party Control of the States
Nov01 Fighting for the Last 1000 Votes in Alaska
Nov01 Landrieu Tells the Truth and Gets Attacked for It
Nov01 Iowa Could Be the Key to Control of the Senate
Nov01 In 2016, the Focus Will Be Blue-state Republicans
Nov01 Biased News Coverage Flourishes as Election Day Approaches
Oct31 Larry Sabato Calls Senate for Republican
Oct31 Democrats Playing the Race Card in the South
Oct31 Legal Battles in Georgia Very Likely
Oct31 Republican Governors Association Donors Get Special Access
Oct30 New Senate Could Have As Many as 27 Women
Oct30 Colorado Senate Race Is All about Birth Control
Oct30 Are There Really Many Moderate Voters?
Oct30 Sometimes Sure-Thing Candidates Fizzle Out
Oct30 Republicans Poised to Make Gains in State Legislatures
Oct30 Obama Hides, Hillary Soars
Oct29 Georgia Judge Rules against Registering Voters
Oct29 Five States That Might Hold Surprises
Oct29 Republicans Close Polling Place To Suppress Student Vote
Oct29 McConnell May Get His Wish--and Regret It
Oct29 Obama Made a Rare Campaign Appearance for Mary Burke
Oct29 Dance for DCCC Chair is in Full Swing
Oct28 Do You Need an ID to Vote?
Oct28 What Name Should a Married Female Candidate Use?
Oct28 Everybody Wants To Be DSCC Chairman in 2016
Oct28 Cheapskate Senators Could Be Hurting the Republicans
Oct28 If Pat Roberts Loses, It is His Own Fault
Oct28 Begich and Murkowski in Fight over Photo
Oct28 Larry Flynt Spices Up the Kentucky Senate Race
Oct27 Voters Expect Republicans to Win the Senate
Oct27 People Really Dislike Congress
Oct27 Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes
Oct27 Unusually Many Senate Races Are Up for Grabs
Oct27 Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee Are on a Collision Course
Oct27 Jeb Bush More Than Likely to Run According to His Son
Oct27 Tech Companies Learning about Politics the Hard Way
Oct27 Pentagon Watching Development of Online Voting Carefully
Oct26 Colorado and 2016
Oct26 2014 Is the Year of the Independent
Oct26 Armies of Poll Watchers Are Being Mobilized for Election Day
Oct26 A GOP Senate Would Lead to Endless Battles on Many Issues
Oct25 Republican Pollster Gives Begich Massive Lead in Alaska
Oct25 Joni Ernst Skips Meeting with the Des Moines Register
Oct25 Could Michelle Nunn Actually Win in Georgia?
Oct25 Angus King Might Switch Parties
Oct25 Conservative Group Tries to Get North Carolina Democrats to Vote for Libertarian
Oct24 Wasserman Schultz Says Obama is Campaigning, but Is Unable to Say Where
Oct24 Is 2014 a Wave Year?
Oct24 Hillary Clinton Tries Out Populist Theme